Blogger Positivity Campaign: 6 Bloggers I Would Like to Give a Shout Out To

There are so many different book bloggers out there in the world, and even more when it comes to the amount of bloggers in general. Ever ...

There are so many different book bloggers out there in the world, and even more when it comes to the amount of bloggers in general. Ever blogger deserves recognition for the amount of work they put in for original content. (*shakes fist at plagiarists*) For today's last Blogger Positivity Campaign post, I am going to share 5 bloggers who I would like to give a shout-out to. From people I want to get to know more to people I have quickly become friends with.


1. Annie @ The Runaway Reader
This girl, I feel like is one of my oldest friends but I barely know her. I remember Annie commenting on one of my posts telling me how she has been silently stalking through my blog and really loved it and that made my day and these kinds of things really help my confidence when it comes to blogger. I love her and definitely want (need!) to talk to her more because I feel like we're old friends but barely talk. :P

2. Jessica @ Fly to Fiction
Jessica was my mentor back when she was still a writer for Lit Up Review and I really appreciate all the help she has given me when I was just starting out there. I started writing there in March (holy crap that was so long ago...) and she really helped me improve my reviews and made the whole overwhelming experience of joining LUR to be less overwhelming. She has gone off to college and is now contributing for Lit Up but I still appreciate all the help she had given me in the past.

3. Mishma @ Chasing Faerytales
I remember my first encounter with Mishma on twitter and since then I have been so glad to call her a friend here on the blogosphere. I wanted to give Mishma a shout out for a few reasons. One, girl writes killer discussions, so go read them. Second, for a blogger who has been blogging for almost a year, she has accomplished so much for someone who has been blogging for a year. Cannot wait to see what she achieves in the future. Three, Mishma and I may not get to talk all the time but she is always so encouraging and always getting me signal boosts whenever I am itching my way to the next 100 twitter followers.

4. Rin and Al @ Undercovers Co.
Rin and Al are actually two of my very good friends IRL! I helped Rin make her blog back in February and Al has been a recent addition to Undercovers Co. It's so great to watch and laugh at them make newbie blogging mistakes. (That is before I stop laughing and helped them out). I am super excited to see where their blog goes in the future!

5. Nori @ ReadWriteLove28
Nori has quickly become one of my blogger friends and an inspiration. I love her great ideas and her blog as well. I would definitely call her my blogging mom because legit you can run to her about anything and Nori will also be there for you whether you need help or just having a stressed day.

6. Kaitlin @ Reading is My Treasure
My motivation to say hi to Kaitlin was simply because she had an awesome blog but she had the same name spelling as me! (LIKE, THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Now, we go around messing with Nori and confusing her hehe) I have loved talking with Kaitlin about books and random things. Her and Nori have definitely changed my blogging life for the better!


Check out the other people doing this campaign!

So tell me: Who are some bloggers that you think I should check out?

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