Waiting on Wednesday #18

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Breaking The Spine . --- Rules for 50/50 Chances Author: Kate McGovern  Pages: ...

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Breaking The Spine.


Rules for 50/50 Chances

Author: Kate McGovern 
Pages: 352
Publisher: Farrar
Release Date: November 24th 2015
A heartrending but ultimately uplifting debut novel about learning to accept life's uncertainties; a perfect fit for the current trend in contemporary realistic novels that confront issues about life, death, and love. Seventeen-year-old Rose Levenson has a decision to make: Does she want to know how she’s going to die? Because when Rose turns eighteen, she can take the test that will tell her if she carries the genetic mutation for Huntington’s disease, the degenerative condition that is slowly killing her mother. With a fifty-fifty shot at inheriting her family’s genetic curse, Rose is skeptical about pursuing anything that presumes she’ll live to be a healthy adult—including going to ballet school and the possibility of falling in love. But when she meets a boy from a similarly flawed genetic pool, and gets an audition for a dance scholarship in California, Rose begins to question her carefully-laid rules.


Why I'm Waiting...

I haven't read a book about someone that could be in risk of a genetic disease. I know a bit about Huntington (a little, not much. Hoping to learn more about it in this book.) and I just know that it makes you really sick. I am expecting this book to kind of be like Second Chance Summer: fun and light but with it's emotional moments and I really enjoy reading those books.

So tell me: Have you heard about this book?

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