Summer Blogger Promo Tour: Preethi at Time Turning Reads

Welcome to the third week of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour, hosted by The Book Bratz . Today, I have the wonderful Preethi from Time Turni...

Welcome to the third week of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour, hosted by The Book Bratz. Today, I have the wonderful Preethi from Time Turning Reads and we are going to do something a bit fun. We both have read The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski and so we thought it would be a fun if we did an interview with Kestrel, the main character. Preethi did a great job with being Kestrel so I hope you guys enjoy! :D
This week I am featuring Preethi from Time Turning Reads
1. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
I'm sure the proper lady would answer tea, but I have no interest in being proper. I prefer coffee, as it's the only thing that keeps me awake throughout the long hours of the day. Besides, one must have her wits about if she is to be dealing in secrets.

2. If you were to take one person on a date, who would it be?
I yearn to say Arin, and yet I doubt I could bear a date with the man. When I'm near him, my every sense is attuned to him. Sometimes I think he feels the same way, and other times it's impossible to think he feels anything more than hatred for me. There's a near unnoticeable line separating love and loathing, and even I'm not sure where my feelings lie when it comes to Arin - he's so confusing. To think how much easier my life would be if he had never entered it in the first place.

3. What is your style when it comes to clothing?
According to the whispers I hear whenever I walk into the room and the envious glances of the women around me, I assume I don't dress too poorly. My family's status has afforded me the most elegant dresses, and more than I could ever need. However, a girl's got to have some breathing room, so I tend to keep space under the bodice to keep a dagger, and hidden slits up the bottom of the dress in case, say, I spontaneously decide to duel a man to the death to protect my friend.

4. What type of music do you like listening to?
This is a bit of a hard one: I don't really listen to music as much as play it. I'm happiest when I'm playing my piano - it soothes me, and it's not like life provides me ample people or events to calm me. Lately though, even my music room isn't as safe as I'd thought.

5. If you were to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
Somewhere far away from the politics of everywhere I've been so far. I hate to sound like one of those girls, worrying about love when there's war to occupy the mind, but I'd be happiest any place where Arin and I could be together. Really, we wouldn't even have to be together. I simply want to go some place where I can at least have a conversation with the man without having to worry about people who might be listening in; a place where I don't have to hide anything from him.

6. What is one of your biggest regrets? 
Regret? The only thing I regret is my being so trusting. Turns out people are never who you think they are. People are never there for you when you need them most - you can't depend on anyone but yourself.

7. What are three things you would take with you if you were forced on a deserted island?
My dagger, of course. I wouldn't go anywhere without that. I'd probably also bring Arin along with me (does he count as a thing?) just because he "kidnapped" me that one time - I have to pay him back for that. And the last thing...would be something I wouldn't bring: my heart. There's no room for emotion is a world where winning costs you everything you love.

Thanks everyone for joining us! Hope you enjoyed this interview and if you have not read The Winner's Curse yet, get on to it! See you guys next week for another Summer Blogger Promo Tour post!

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