You're Reading Fluff?

So I was sitting in class the other day reading because I had finished all my work with nothing better to do. My teacher walked up to my ...

So I was sitting in class the other day reading because I had finished all my work with nothing better to do. My teacher walked up to my desk and look at my book, Amy and Roger's Epic Detour. Now the cover does look a little "fluffy" but other than that this book is anything but "fluff." Now to me, fluff means a lubby dubby book that makes you barf at the people in the book. You know what I mean. So she looks at the cover and says "You're reading that? Fluff?" and in my head I am thinking,

while my head is saying "It's not even that fluffy! Plus you haven't read even read the book so why are you judging?"

Explain to me why this is fluff again? Because the cover has two people holding hands? Because the title has a guy name and a girl name in it? I believe the logical term for what you call fluff is "a romance novel." Now I have nothing against people who use the term "fluff" but is it really a logical term? I understand that some romance novels get very cliche but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. In my opinion romance is very hard genre to work in if the book is solely a romance book. If you write a great romance novel I have a lot of respect for you and your imagination. All I am saying is don't use the word "fluff" to describe a romance because to me "fluff" is not a legitimate synonym for "romance."

So tell me: Has anyone commented on your book calling it "fluff" or do you use the term "fluff?"

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